Privacy Policy

Personal Information Protection

UBE EXSYMO CO., LTD. (hereafter "Ube Exsymo") has established the following Privacy Policy, and is taking initiatives to implement, maintain, and improve its measures for personal information protection.

  1. Ube Exsymo has established and shall comply with rules concerning the appropriate handling of personal information, taking into consideration the details and scale of Ube Exsymo' business. These rules pertain to the acquisition, usage, transfer, safekeeping, provision, and deletion of personal information.
  2. Ube Exsymo shall practice regulatory compliance with laws and ordinances concerning personal information protection.
  3. Ube Exsymo will carry out safety measures to ensure against incidents such as the loss, destruction, falsification, and leakage of personal information. Furthermore, Ube Exsymo will act quickly to implement necessary corrective actions should any such incident occur.
  4. Ube Exsymo will regularly reassess and improve its policy on personal information protection.

Use and storage of your personal information

1. Use of Personal Information

Visitors to this Web site may be asked to provide personal information such as name and contact address. Information you provide will be used for such purposes as responding to your inquiries and other communications. Furthermore, the information you provide will only be used for the purposes declared prior to collecting the information. This Web site will not be used to collect personal information without your permission.

2. Management of Personal Information

In order to ensure the safety of the information you provide, Ube Exsymo will carry out strict security measures to prevent illegal outside access and the loss, destruction, falsification, or leakage of personal information.

3. Third Party Disclosure of Personal Information

Information you provide will not be disclosed to a third party, except under the following circumstances:

  • If the type or content of your inquiry or communication is such that Ube Exsymo determines that a response from Ube Industries or another Ube Group company is more appropriate.
  • The information you provide may be disclosed to a company to which Ube Exsymo outsources certain tasks, such as a delivery company, provided that it is within the necessary scope of the intended use of your information.
  • If we receive your consent.
  • The information you provide may be disclosed in accordance with the Personal Information Protection Act and other laws and ordinances. This shall include urgent disclosure of information to protect life and liberty.

4. Verification of Personal Information

Ube Exsymo will swiftly and within reasonable means respond to requests to verify information provided by you, upon verification of your identity. Please contact Ube Exsymo at the contact address provided below.

General Affairs Department, UBE EXSYMO CO., LTD.
Phone : +81-3-6667-2411

Terms of Use

UBE EXSYMO CO., LTD. ("UEXC") operates this Web site ("site") for information disclosure purposes. It is strongly advised that you read the following terms of use carefully. By using this site, you agree to the terms described below. UEXC reserves the right to change the disclaimer at any time, and will post this information as it is updated for you to read.

1. Copyright

Information contained in this site is protected under domestic copyright law and related international agreements. Any copying, modification or redistribution of information from this site is expressly prohibited without the written consent of UEXC. Any use of content contained in this site beyond the scope recognized by other copyright laws is expressly prohibited without the consent of the copyright holder.

2. Trademarks

Company names used for UEXC on this site are trademarks of UEXC. The names of products and services provided by UEXC are trademarks either owned or licensed by UEXC, or are registered trademarks of UEXC.
Trade names and trademarks owned by UEXC are protected under trademark laws, unfair competition laws and other laws. Any use or duplication of trade names or trademarks owned by UEXC is forbidden without the express content of UEXC.

3. Site Links

If you wish to publish a link to this site, please contact UEXC here. The following information should be included with your inquiry: operating details and purpose of your site; purpose of link; and URL of link page. UEXC will verify the details of your request and notify you regarding our decision on consent for the link. Failure by UEXC to reply to your request does not constitute permission for you to provide a link to this site.
When linking to this site, please use our main URL at If you wish to link to a different URL on this site, you must request this in advance.
Should UEXC consent to a link to this site, UEXC reserves the right to withdraw this consent should there be a perceived risk to the company in the opinion of UEXC. Furthermore, UEXC is not responsible for any content provided on a Web site that links to this site.

4. Disclaimer

UEXC has taken every precaution in updating and managing information contained in this site. However, UEXC makes no claim as to the accuracy or usefulness of information contained in this site, nor to its suitability for your objectives. Furthermore, UEXC does not guarantee that the site will not cause a malfunction, or that the server from which this site originates does not contain computer viruses or other harmful data.
UEXC assumes absolutely no responsibility for any malfunction, loss of data or damage you incur as a result of information contained in this site or from using this site. You agree that UEXC reserves the right to change information contained in this site at any time, or to interrupt or stop operating this site at any time.

5. Legal Jurisdiction

All terms relating to the use of this site fall under the jurisdiction of the laws of Japan.